Very good hotel, one of the best in Yangon, with a great environment, a swimming pool, very clean, the service staff is gentle and thoughtful, the food tastes light, close to Western food, I will come again next time.
Reviews of Du Fu Chinese Restaurant
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Very good hotel, one of the best in Yangon, with a great environment, a swimming pool, very clean, the service staff is gentle and thoughtful, the food tastes light, close to Western food, I will come again next time.
#想住N次的酒店 #念念不忘的2021 #城市的新打开方式 #缅甸自由行 Sedona (中文名:塞多纳)酒店,首先位置真的好,在茵雅湖商业中心,旁边有Myanmar Plaza,茵雅湖商业街,餐厅,茵雅湖等。📍详细地址:No. 1 Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Yangon, 缅甸❤推荐理由:为什么是酒店老大哥呢,据猎人当时和缅甸友人了解到,这是仰光第一家豪华酒店,年份久 [Joyful]酒店以简约为基调,在装饰,配色方面却不乏尊贵。这样最适合拍照了呀。推荐在泳池花园处,餐厅处拍照哈[Awesome]🏨酒店环境:大气有内涵,安静🛏房间设施:5星酒店 一应俱全猎人觉得这个酒店适合亲子,商旅哈,很中规中矩,年轻人估计会感觉有些呆板。(携程找不到这个地标呀[Facepalm])